Technology Role in Pandemic

These two last year we've been confined by the corona, and it puts a big impact on the professional network, as people are forced to shut down their business and peoples are losing their jobs like nothing. 

Big thanks to the frontline warriors who helped us in this time when everyone is scared to do anything.

I know I'm a bit diverged from the topic but this is how we can thank them. Let's dive into the topic now.

When these corona thing is spreading and affecting everyone, no one sees a ray of hope. At this time an industry is emerging and providing an opportunity to people to live life better and safer.

Yes, I'm talking about the IT sector. In this pandemic, only the IT sector manage to get along with the corona. It opens a new door for the business and for individuals too. 

Businesses and Individuals use technology to do most of the work like lead generation now they are using multiple tools like CRM software and using online apps for daily and client meetings. Conducting seminars, now its webinar. and the trust of online shopping is increasing rapidly now business use to have their own website. Money Transfer can de done in an instant and ETC.

You can use technology in every business and as per the current phenomenon, The expert says, If you want to compete in the market then you are should be sound with the technology.

With Technology I am not specific with the machines. It can be any type like this blog its also a part of tech where you are getting insights about how technology plays a vital role in crucial times.

There are some other examples Like Flipkart, Amazon and other sites too. It doesn't matter what are you reading on your phone the source behind it is tech.

Hope you enjoy the reading! Please share your thoughts I would be happy to hear your insight about it.


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